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SquarePress WordPress Membership Theme

When You’re Building A New Website in WordPress, choosing a quality theme is going to be your main concern. 

Choosing the wrong theme and success is going to be an uphill battle. But, with the right theme, it’s not only going to be incredibly easy to build out your site, but you’ll be able to offer an incredible user experience as well.

Below you’ll learn about what features to look for in a quality WordPress theme, and seven of the most popular WordPress themes that would be a great choice for your new website. 

Choosing a High-Quality WordPress Theme

It can get overwhelming to choose the perfect theme for your WordPress website. There are free and paid options that total up to the thousands. But how do you choose the right theme for your new website?

Luckily, a lot of themes provide to different markets, so not every theme will be right for your website, but there are still plenty of options Keep the following attributes in mind as you browse for the right theme.

Simple is Always Better

Here Are the Top Three For Membership Websites

Look for a theme that has a clean and simple design that’s in alignment with your niche. Remember, the goal of your site is to offer your visitors a great site experience and help them find the information they’re after in the shortest amount of time possible.

Even if your theme looks great, if it doesn’t convert visitors into subscribers, or customers, then it really isn’t doing its job. 

Responsive Is Not an Option; It’s Required

When choosing a theme, it needs to be Responsive.

Your site needs to look good on multiple different screen sizes, whether that’s a mobile, tablet, desktop, or window that your visitor has resized. Plus, the popularity of mobile devices only continues to grow. Depending on your website,